Sunday 29 July 2012

week 3; monday's lesson

I introduced my straw model idea and experiment to my group today, and the feed back that my tutor gave me allowed me to further develop my initial idea and ties up with some research that I had done.
So the idea is to have a cold and hot liquid at the same time so that the experience leaves the user confused as to which straw delivers the hot or cold sensation, especially by the time the liquid enters the mouth and the liquids combine.
I had made an experiment over the weekend where I made a prototype with drinking straws, but I didnt feel that the plastic allows the tempreture to penetrate through enough, so a fellow student suggested I try plastic tubes from bunnings, which is more bendable and hopefully a thinner plastic.

I had looked up tactile illusions ( where it proves that the body can be confused by different tempretures, so I thought that by combining an extra straw for a hot liquid would almost confuse the user since it will be hard to differenciate from the back of your neck and ears which straw is a certain tempreture.

Alternatively I could finda a way to turn the hot water into cold water...somehow.

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