Wednesday 5 September 2012

more research!!

iDrive navigation systems for BMW 
This link leads to a website that informs us on the features of the idrive. One feature that is important but never came accross to me before is the traffic notifications. This made me think of whether I could do something that informs the user of any traffic or obstacles such as road works etc and estimates any time delays or how much time it would hold up.

Phone Apps
Here is a website link that lists all the best smart phone/ i phone navigation apps

From what I saw on the list, the best app according to this website is 'MotionXdrive'.
I looked it up and found some really interesting features and different editions have more or different features. Some that caught my attention were;

- Speed limit display that warns you how fast you are going (cars)
- can log in with facebook so that you can 'check in' to your final destination via facebook
-option to reverse the order of directions
-option to access the directions list from the map view.
-voice announcement etc

(information gathered from:

The layout is very userfriendly, there are zoom in and zoom out options, arrows that point out the directions, a dial that uses symbols, such as hospital, airports, cafes and restraunts etc etc so that the user can just press one of the options and the navigation system will figure out which is the closest.

                                              Navigon phone application
I saw the layout for the navigon application. and I liked how you can choose between a map option, or a view like this ^ where it is the drivers point of view and large arrows show the direction.

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