Thursday 16 August 2012

My developments!!

I took on board what the tutors said about removing the idea of suction, not because I didn't like the idea, But because when I experimented with it, The suction went too fast and actually burnt my tounge!!:( So I made a new brainstorm where I collected a bunch of ideas ideas on how I could further develop my model and help it create the experience that im going for


I settled on one I dea that I had which was to replace the element of suction and instead have the user not control the way that the flows. Instead I'll use small funnels that are attatched to a head piece  so that the water is pressurised and travels down the tubes without the user putting effort into using the model. There will be two funnels for hot and cold water, so it's the same idea as before, but I think that this is better because the user wont anticipate or be able to control how fast the water travels down the straw. I like this idea more because there's something nerve wrecking about a person pouring boiling hot water and freezing cold water above your head, like you're not exactly sure what to expect.

Head Model
 Water is poured into funnels and goes behind ears and neck and will be rested somehow just above the ears.

Arm model

Another rough sketch of an alternative, where the model is wrapped around the subject's arm. I did this because I want to explore creating the tactile sensation in other parts of the body and see whats more effective. I thought the arm would be more userfriendly as the user can just roll up their sleeve, unless they are already wearing a sleevless or short-sleaved shirt.

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