Wednesday 13 June 2012

improved idea, new design stand point

New Idea!
I walked past a little candle shop in Wellington city and saw this poster:
I thought this was a really clever idea and it inspired me to change my idea for my stop motion clip, so that instead of using light stencils to create light images (which already took waaaaay too long to make and difficult to shoot each stencil accurately) I thought that not only was this idea more simple, but also more comprehendible to the viewers because the light of the candle is stronger, therefore making the quality of the clip better (after making test clips with light stencils, my tutors told me that the low light effects the quality of the pictures). This process will be faster too so I can make more videos and experiment more before I make a final clip.
 After reading a book on contemporary lighting by Sebastian Conran and Mark Bond, I've decided to create a more structured narrative thats not as basic as my initial idea. The plot starts off with photosynthesis, which shows the viewers the importance of light and how it sustains our lives. Then i want the images to merge into religious symbols to show how humans associate light with divinity (this may be slightly irrelevant so i may or may not take this out) then I want the images to merge into pictures of how the invention of electricity shaped how light was used in technology and house holds from the late 19th century until now eg) street lamps, cars, cityscapes, nightlife/attraction lights, technology such as computers and cell phones, as well as regular household uses such as task lighting, ceiling lights etc.
 This is to show the importance of light in our world and by the end of the clip where light is shown being intergrated with technology and objects, i want the viewers to recognize the relationship between industrial design and light and how there is a whole world of creativity and innovation in the field of lighting design, and design in general.

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