Monday 23 April 2012

New proposal for time project

I have decided to change my idea for this project because i was inspired by Paul Smith's collection, 'make my night' where the drinking and party behaviors  of young men are explored in a way that involves the audience through storytelling and documentation. This collection inspired me because it made me question how drinking and partying can have such positive and negative effects for a young person, like me who is surrounded by the idea of a good time is to basically get trashed in town and wake up hungover. Thus, I wanted to look at drinking from a sober point of view and see 'why us young people love to drink so much?', where is the line between a good time and a bad time when it comes to alcohol. I want to show the good, fun times with alcohol, the bad, regrettable times and the ugly-just for laughs!
1) aims/objectives of this series is tow understand what is the difference between a good time and a bad time from drinking and partying in town and find out how a photograph can capture this idea and reflect on how young people drink.
2)methodology: I want the point of views to be different and so therefore I think that different camera techniques will help depict the different perspectives. To show the bad aspects of drinking, im thinking that slow shutter speed settings will add a blurry effect that helps the viewer identify the the perspective is from a drunk person and their view of that night, and this works with how excessive drinking can make everything seem and look strange, dizzy, messy, disordered etc. I also plan to use fast shutter speed settings to capture spontaneous moments such as a fight breaking out, or a person tripping over and so on. This will be more of a sober third person perspective, which will add more of a observational feel to the images, and could possibly make the viewer find it quite funny to laugh at drunk people doing funny and random things. I am trying to use different perspectives to fully explore this idea and allow the many different ideas and opinions from the audience be evoked so that they may relate or identify with the difference between drunk, sober and the period in between the two stages.
3)Rationale: I've chosen this idea for this project because i want to look at how alcohol contributes to a person having a good time and/or bad time under the influence of it. i want to show how alcohol can be the reason for a good time or bad time, and thats the underlaying message behind the series. The audience should reflect on the issue and think about how far is too far?
4)output: I want to present this series through a power point with two sections, one to show the good times, one to show the bad times, I had considered juxtaposing images side by side to show contrast, however i think it makes more sense to group the images so that a transition appears from the good times to the bad.

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