Monday 30 April 2012

DSDN101 project two: story boards and developments

Brainstorm cloud
Here I just put a few ideas together before I drew up potential ideas.

The word eating is supposed to show the letter E devour the rest of the letters and then eventually burp.
The word squeeze uses the letter Q as a hoop for all the rest of the letters to squeeze through, particularly S which struggles to get past. The word dice used block-like fonts so that it relates to the 3D form of actual playing dice. The dice are dropped and roll, with the E at the end stopping at the wrong position

The word box is written as if each letter represents faces of a box. As music plays the X, which acts as a lid, flips up suddenly and the word toy springs out like a jack-in-a-box toy. It springs around while music plays in the background like a real jack-in-the-box. The word race is set out like a marathon-type race where the small letters (a,c and e) zoom past the screen then stop at the finish point. Lagging behind and arriving at a much later time, R follows the rest of the letters slowly as it pants and puffs. Once it reaches the finish line, it faints from exhaustion. This is meant to be humorous and cartoon-like. The word Authority starts off all one size, but then the A grows much larger than the rest of the words and and then tilts so that it has room to grow even bigger and stand over the rest of the words.

The wor Jazz is zoomed into, and the J stands on an angle (like how saxaphone players postion their instruments), and then the ascender curves out so that the shape of the J looks more like a saxophone. Jazz music plays in the background and the J moves around characteristically like a saxophone being played by a jazz band member and by the end of the clip, the J stays on the same angle and spins around the way a double bass is spun around by the bassist. The word thriller is written in a creepy font that looks distorted and crooked. Three scratch wounds appear and tear the letters in the middle of the word, and then blood leaks from the wounds and suspenseful music plays. by the end of the clip the words shake like shrugging shoulders and evil laughter is played in sync to the movements.

Story board 1

Letters drop one by one and begin to roll like dice once they hit the ground. they keep spinning and then stop one by one in the correct order, however E continues to spin for a longer amount of time and when it finally stops it drops on it's side.

story board 2

E zooms through the screen rapidly and stops when it reaches the end of the screen. This is followed by C and A which also travel fast as they go past the screen and stop to make the order "ace" The screen zooms out and we see a fat R which is slowly pacing towards ace with human-like leg movements. once it stops the R expands and then gets skinnier as it is tying to breathe heavily. Finally the r drops/ faints from exhaustion and a, c and e leave the screen leaving the R.

the word squeeze is formed in a line and the Q flattens itself like a basket ball hoop and jumps down to the centre of the screen. One by one each letter takes turns jumping through the Q and settling back in order at the bottom of the screen. When it comes to S jumping through the Q, it gets stuck and is too fat to fit through. it struggles and wriggles  to get through, then finally it sucks in it's weight and glides through down to the bottom. Q then rises and takes it's place between s and u.

Exploring ideas
First idea is to have the letters tumble into the screen rather than fall from the top, so that it looks as though the dice have been tossed rather than thrown. Second idea is to have the letters bounce when they hit the ground instead of instantly spinning, and this is because it looks more realistic to have this happen. next idea is that the letters drop in a random order and then roll around until they are in the correct order that reads 'dice'

The first idea is to show more human characteristics on the R, so not only does it's descenders move as if they're legs running but the circle within the R expands and shrinks like a mouth inhaling and exhaling. the second idea is to have the letters run uphill rather than flat grounds. This is so that when the r falls over, it then tumbles down and crashes once it leaves the screen. This is so that there is more motion in this clip.


The first idea shows the letter s as a different and thicker/bigger font so that there is a clear contrast between the S and the rest of the letters. the next idea shows the letters that make up the word squeeze shrink from big to small as you read from left to right. This is because I associate the idea of changing sizes and shrinking with the word squeeze. The last idea is just the same as the original idea for squeeze, but the arrangement of the letters is written from top to bottom rather than from left to right. I tried this out to get a different way to use the space.

Final story board
I have chosen to go for the squeeze storyboard as my idea because there is a lot of motion used it this idea, but there is also some humour and personality put into it. Rather than having the word 'squeeze' start off at the top, i think it looks better to have the letters jump through one by on from outside the screen so that the audience is engaged and trying to figure out what it will eventually spell out. Also I like the idea that the words go from big to small to emphasize contrast and the imagery of the action to squeeze. sound effects will play as the letters bounce and slide through the Q and also when the S struggles to fit through

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