Tuesday 30 October 2012

final clip on avi

well The only solution I could come up with was an avi file, however im not very impressed with the quality of the clip, it's much better in the r drive, but here it is anyway
The concept was simple and although I looked at advertisements for nike and such, I didn't think it was necessary  to make the clip too energetic,but I think the jump cuts help emphasize the action of walking and how that links with navigation and burning calories.

youtube trouble!

I've been experiencing difficulties with youtube, it keeps stopping it's upload suddenly so I'm hoping to get this sorted asap!

Monday 29 October 2012

Title screens

I have made some title screens on photoshop to introduce my video and end it better!
here are the images I made...

I thought this would be a good way to start the video and end the video, and by keeping the style the same it achieves continuity and shows the app in a phone screen, giving the user an idea of what it would look like as an app in their phone

Saturday 27 October 2012

transferring to after effects

I transferred my video to after effect, which took aaaaaages to figure out, but I managed to put it together and render it, but it came out slow at different parts, and I think I need to change the frames per second units and then I just need to add the numbers and the screen on the phone.

unfortunately youtube will upload my video in ten hours, so hopefully you can just take my word for it, as I cannot wait that long. I'll keep working on it!
plus I've decided the song I chose is ridiculously cheesy and cliche, so I'll try to find a different track to play.

Sunday 21 October 2012

video editing

I filmed my video, and i cut the shots using imovie, where I also added in music. I found the  background music from soundjay.com which is a really great place for free royalty free music. I used the track called iron man because it's fast paced and energetic, so it complements the jump cuts and montage editing which are also fast paced. It's not too cheesy either. Next stem is to take it to after effects and complete the video with some extra effects

Thursday 18 October 2012

video precedents

I looked at some atheletic based commercials, and I thought that this video had jump cut editing, not really much to do with running, but shows different kinds of paces I could use

and this one Kind of relates to my idea. It's really energetic too and the montage scenes arent too fast.

Sunday 7 October 2012

project 3! usability testing

I asked 4 different people to try out my app and answer simple questions to help me figure out how user friendly my app is
I asked the following questions:

1)how userfirendly was the interface?
2)what were the weaknesses/strengths?
3)did the app meet any of your expectations?
4)what were improvements that could've been made?

the general feedback was...

1) most people said that although it was simple and easy to use, the beginning of the app was confusing as the individuals didn't know when to use the buttons on the top bar, such as the address bar, so I think that I could've used some kind of highlight around the next button, or maybe a help button etc, etc...

2) weaknesses: text is too thin to read from a small screen, may be annoying to hold on to the phone infront of you as you walk
   strengths: no need to figure it out through a map, icons are obvious, everything that is necessary is visible and easy to understand

3)most people had no initial expectations, but one person said that they expected the app to be more on the weight loss side- as in maybe it tracks what you ate as well, or takes down your pace etc...

4) one person said that they would make all the buttons function at the top bar, another person said that a more simple colour scheme makes it less dramatic looking

Thursday 4 October 2012

flash problems

As I put together my flash file, it suddenly messed up the code, even though the flash file didn't say that there were any errors! So I tried to figure it out myself and couldn't find where the fault was. I got many fellow students to check it out and two tutors, yet no one could find what the cause of the problem was. The problem was that one of the frames went against the code, and instead moving to the assigned frame, it went a frame back and thne forward two frames and did that repeatedly. The closest thing that I could work out was to delete a part of my animation and then it made it a little better, except the last few frames did the same thing.
So basically I have until monday to correct this, so I'm thinking i'll just start over again.
fingers crossed

200 word outline

The idea of my navigation interface is that it functions as a phone app that uses the smartphone’s camera as a medium to view the directions that lead the user to their destinations. This allows the viewer to get accurate information from exactly where they stand, and it is an alternative to complicated and misleading maps with outdated information.
 What makes this app unique is that it is a pedometer and navigator in one, so the app can calculate how much calories the user has burned off based on how long and how far the user travelled. The user will be timed and has the ability to pause and resume the stopwatch.
 Another function the user can make use of, is the pedometer mode, where if the user wont need to use the navigator, they can simply use the pedometer mode to calculate how much calories they have burned off.
 Extra functions include; search tool, where if the user is unfamiliar with the area, they can search (for example, nearest cafĂ©) and it will list some possible options. Address book where you can save and look up previous locations already searched, a journal to track how much calories you’ve burned in total with using the app, music player to motivate the user to further enjoy their navigating experience. The music player just sends you to your music player on your phone, but then resumes back to the app. Also, the users have the option to take a snapshot of anything they see that they like whilst the camera is activated and the arrows wont show up on the picture.

final screen shots

Here are some screenshots of my app with the developed layout and style...

search menu. On the top bar you can search nearest location, look up address book, return back a page and the foot symbol is a button to turn the app into a pedometer soley if you chose

as the routes load, the walking images appear one by one and the last image to appear on the left side is the brightest.

Route options are written in yellow, while the expected time is written smaller in white. User selects which route they wish to use.

once the camera is activated, a start button appears so that the stopwatch will start to time the user. Arrow heads mark the directions, and the arrow furtherst away is bolder so that it exxagerates movement to that direction. Buttons for music player, and camera snapshot and pause/play button to pause and resume journey

Above you can see that the timer is activated as the user walks. This is so that the app will accurately calculate how many calories the user has burned off, since it already knows how far the user has to walk

Indoors, the view point doesn't change, which I think is an advantage because it's the most simple way to view interior spaces. The timer turns yellow when it knows you've reached your destination, but it give the user the option to stop it with the finish button, just because it cant be sure that the user isn'w walking around in the location

When the user has had their results tallied, they have the option to put their results in a journal to track how much calories they burned off in total, and can log the results in with the date. The quit button allows the user to stop using the app.